Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wooohoooo Day!!

Erm...this pic is when i m having moral studies was on friday...and the lecturer had choose 3 boys and 3 girls to debate about the homosexuality, ths boy's group is to agree and the girls are to disagree...and they say sth lke, if guy n guy marry but no children, nvm can shop for a child..LOL!! wahliao, it was a quite interesting lecture but after the debate....the boring time come....the lecturer start lecture......OMG!! everyone also feel like wanna ciao already..haha!!

The picture was taken the day before yesterday, i hope you guys get what i mean. From morning until afternoon, i had wasted my time by playing game and doing nothing. And then in the evening, i went back campus for awhile...i have forgot what have i done....but nvm, jz forget about it. Okay, after the duno wht, thn i went to the indoor basketball court in order to get back my bicycle's lock's the time i enter the hall...i saw my bro and his fren as well as my frens....everyone was there...since i was wearing jeans, so this make me more lazy wana play, so i jz sat down and take some photo la...these is wht i get...with noob mega pixel....

and then after the basketball playing, we go have dinner with my bro's fren...erm its about 9 ppl( including my bro and i). Well, during the dinner..i met someone...whose attitude is more or less is like json...jz know shake head ,smile...and he is speechless...its about 100% match json's attitude...when ask him question, he will ans to u with yes or no, even that is not yes or no question....OMG man!! so, this is the pic...the guy who is smiling...tat him...his name is Jonathan, studying chemical enginering 2nd 2 sems...if i m not mistaken....

After the dinner, we send my bro's fren(tawau girl) back home..and thn we go to my bro's fren(Brunei guys) to play i have took a photo of his living room...well, its messy.....hahahaha
And wht he gt is dumbbell!! its quite heavy, even though it is 5 kg overall......

And THIS THIS!!! this alcohol taste nice!!! json wcb!! ur labuan gt sell these kind of drink mah?? its contain 4.8% of alcohol...and it like mix with abit of carbonate drink...GOOD TASTE GUYS!!

AND AND AND!! this one!! this one !!!!! i love it too!!! this taste is like gt a bit milky taste!!! i like i like!!! and it only contain 17% of alcohol...again....json wcb, ur labuan gt???

After that, i mean after the host let us try abit his alcohol and then the game start!! At 1st, there is only my bro + his fren + his fren's bro...3 ppl play, erm...their dota skill is quite geng la, for me....

And then about 9 or 10pm like tat...2 more frens come...this time...fuiyo, both hen dao...the one tat back facing to us, his zeus 17 mins GODLIKE!!with blink dagger!! ....the one face facing to us, ursa ..i forgot hw long alr, but in a very short time also BOT + offering...walao...thn he also pawn 99 liao....wahliao eh....

And then they keep on playing and playing and playing until 2++ thn i fell the time 3.15am, my bro wake me up and say 'ui, wana have supper or not' of course i say 'YES!!' there is a stall that after 3.30am the food there are very we go there eat lo...when we arr, wahliao...not bad eh, gt many ppl also...and also girl...hehe leng lui gong...u see, at the pic, behind tat brunei guy...hehe GG liao!!

Well, me n my bro....we ate 2 plate of the kolok mee + egg, 2 bowl of wantan, and da bau 2 pack of kuitiao goreng...its only cost RM9.80

This is wantan...

P/S: i love these day!! but...haih, i am having 2 weeks holiday, but this is not the time for me to play2...the test and the assignment duel date are jz after the holiday....okay everyone...BYE BYE!!

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