Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Long time i din update my blog, now i update because of yyhk...see you know how important is tat You Yi Hua Kai's night? ..very good one and enjoyable, you sure can enjoy yourself one. Dun think too much, can buy the tickets from me or liew.. which is RM5, RM10 or RM15. You can have a lot of benefits also de!! For those who cnt speak or read chinese also can join, cz this event is more to amazing performence !!

Well it take place at Tsung Tsing Secondary School's hall, ttss woh...sure got many leng lui and leng zai de!! haha.. its on saturday sept 5, gt a lot of performence de and very fascinating, we also can relax ourselve cz the exam is around the corner see, its kill two birds in one stone.

erm.. there gt leng lui, e.g:

see gt so many leng lui, those are only form 5 and form 6 ...they are still available de, they haven't married also

And here gt some leng zai, e.g:

all good looking, aiya the last one i put in wrong category la, it should be in sozai category but sozai also can be in the front page of the magazine..zzz
however, jz ignore tat sozai ... haha

to conclude, YYHK's night is very FUN!!! so still wait for wht, fast fast order tickets from me or liew.. 1st come 1st serve, giak2 come!!

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